PBIS School-Wide Expectations
Welcome to Greenwood Early Learning Center!
The Expectations- Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible
The 3 expectations above have been adopted by grades Pre-K-12! Our team has been trained in Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). PBIS can be used by schools to improve school safety and to promote positive behaviors. Our PBIS framework is the introduction to what the students will see in all our buildings K-12. We are teaching the students what it means to: Be Safe, Be Kind, and Be Responsible. As you walk around our building and our classrooms, you will find visual reminders to help our students remember the expectations.
The Acknowledgement-
The students will earn color coded poms to fill classroom buckets. Students earn a pom when they are caught being safe (yellow pom), kind (pink pom) or responsible (green pom). This can happen in all settings in our building. Once a classroom bucket is filled the class will receive a special reward ( pj day, extra recess, etc). They will then get to take their bucket down to our building wide bucket and pour it in on morning announcements. When our building bucket is full we vote on a building-wide reward ( ex-dance party on the playground.) The students absolutely love earning poms. I cannot wait for you to hear more about it.
Bulldog Strong Club-
It is important that students know what our expectations are and how they are expected to behave. Each classroom has a special time set aside to teach and review expectations. In addition, we also use a social emotional curriculum that helps students learn how to identify and deal with their feelings. You will receive regular emails about the Strong Start Curriculum. These emails will give you helpful resources to use at home.
Greenwood's Expectation Matrix
Bulldog Strong Behavior Expectation Home Matrix